/ Cullen Parkway Median Plant Replacement and Sod Installation (RFP 2023-01)

Cullen Parkway Median Plant Replacement and Sod Installation (RFP 2023-01)

Pearland Economic Development Corporation

Sealed proposals will be accepted until 2:00 p.m., May 4, 2023 and read aloud into the public record for the following project:


Pearland Economic Development Corporation (PEDC)
RFP NO.: 2023-01

The project entails performing select plant replacements, as-needed irrigation repairs, and sod installation in approximately four to six (4-6) medians along Cullen Parkway within the City of Pearland. Electronic Proposal Documents, including Plans, Technical Specifications and Proposal Forms may be obtained from Pearland Economic Development Corporation pearlandedc.com/CullenMediansRFP or 3519 Liberty Drive, Suite 350, Pearland, Texas 77581 by appointment (281) 997­ 3006 at the above address or by emailing a request for said documents to jbyerly@pearlandedc.com.

A non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held remotely via Webex, at 2:00 p.m., CST, on Thursday, April 13, 2023. You may join the meeting by one of three ways:
1)  at the following link: https://bit.ly/CullenMediansRFP
2)  join by calling +1-408-418-9388 and entering the meeting code 2550 842 2525, or
3)  join from a video system or application by dialing 25508422525@webex.com.

Those calling in without video may email request for presentation to jbyerly@pearlandedc.com either before or after the meeting.

All proposals should be submitted as one (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy to Pearland EDC, 3519 Liberty Drive, Suite 350, Pearland, Texas 77581. No plan fees or deposits are required for proposal documents. PEDC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. No late proposals will be accepted. Questions should be submitted in writing no later than 2:00 p.m., CST, on Thursday, April 27, 2023 (questions may be submitted via email or hardcopy). Questions may be directed to Jess Byerly by emailing jbyerly@pearlandedc.com or by calling (281) 997-3000 for an appointment at 3519 Liberty Drive, Suite 350, Pearland, Texas 77581.

Jess Byerly, MPA
Development Manager, Pearland Economic Development Corporation

First Publication date April 5, 2023
Second Publication date April 12, 2023